Sunday 29 September 2013

Kuch 'Kas' Hai

Kaas Plateau
Date of Visit : 28-September-2013
Lovely place to have a Picnic

This place called The Kaas Plateau also known as the "Kaas Pathar" which is situated in the Western Ghat Sahyadri range, 22 kilometers from Satara city in Maharashtra state of India. The plateau is full of wild flowers during the months of August and September. These flowers bloom on their own and stay for about 2–3 weeks (depending on the monsoon and other weather factors). Recently it has been declared as Biodiversity World heritage site by The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco).[1][2] It has an small lake nearby, as you are driving down the curves climbing down from Kaas Plateau you see a sign on left saying - Kaas Talav. It is a natural tranquil Kaas lake surrounded by dense forests. To the left of the lake lies Sajjangad fort and Kanher Dam is to the right. 
It an famous picnic spot with the locals. (Source Wiki)

This had been on my wishlist since last year when i had heard about it from various forums online. This year I based on circumstances I'd could make it finally to witness what the hype around here as in first hand.

You already have so many forums & blogs having wonderful pictures of this place, the take -away from this post on my blog would be - I'd strongly recommend people who have plans of lazying out to visit this place on nice summer morning & enjoy like a picnic with all your food stuff & entertainment. Sitting under a tress, lazily yawning, listening to music with a blissful nap amidst stunning views of Sahyadri greens & waters is a luxury you can't buy with your X Card. For Photography enthusiasts this is termed heaven everywhere, but i guess that's totally exaggerated. The good thing is it's for those who enjoy Nature in its form, & not just clicking snaps. The weather here during July-October is totally uncertain and you can blindly note to get fully wet.

My visit was purely to get a glimpse of the place I've heard,so even after drenching in rain and almost nearly risking spoiling my camera out of perseverance I'm still glad to be there simply because it's 'cool'. Stunning mists with cold breezes looking upon mesmerizing views from top of mountains is my idea of getting 'High' and I got the dose of it. I don't know the names of flowers, but there are small wild flowers and its cool to try all your macro lens effectiveness & skill getting into the plants. Even in absence of a macro I'd tried my share of it in the showers bending down with 18-55mm or standing & trying with 55-250mm lens , but not much success.

For now,take a glimpse of what I could manage to capture, -
One more tick in my Bucket List
Some Art :)

I liked this Frame

The Views for your Picnic spots

Skies :)


Into the Plant kingdom

Tiny tots

I guess this is what you can expect maximum this year :P